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Theodoropoulos Shipping

Theodoropoulos Shipping

Shipping Companies

The Group’s shipping companies have been active since 2004 in the design, exploitation and trading of privately-owned passenger ships.

The fleet is continuously renewed to meet international standards and modern requirements.

To date, it has built ships that have been sold to foreign countries and to the domestic market.

It is the first ever Greek company that constructed ice class, double end ferries.

It complies with the strict SOLAS and IMO regulations and as a pioneer it’s addressing the global market.

In 2019, constructs the double-ended F / B GLYKOFILOUSA VIII, the first in Greece, two-way, THINK GREEN, low-pollutant ship, designed with respect to the environment.

The ship complies with the IMO Fuel Sulfur Regulation of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Commitee (MEPC), which will be in force from 01-01-2020, and demands 0.5% sulfur emitions instead of 3.5% that was since 2012.

How we think

“We build modern ships that match the highest technological requirements and at the same time give stylish and modern aesthetics.
Our ships meet the highest international standards and have the required certifications.”
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